
Fitness, Nutrition and Environmental Info from Experts from Around the World

The Diet That Might Cure Depression

Several studies show that healthy eating is connected with better mood. The Atlantic Olga Khazan Read when you’ve got time to spare. Photo by Beawiharta Beawiharta / Reuters At the turn of the 20th century, prominent physicians who were trying to understand where mental illness comes from seized on a new theory: autointoxication. Intestinal microbes,

Health Benefits of Collagen

Oral collagen supplements have been shown to improve skin hydration and elasticity for older people. They might also help to lessen wrinkles. Thicker Hair While more men go bald, many women also experience hair loss or thinning as they age. In one study, a group of women with thinning hair saw significant increases in their

Be aware of kidney-damaging foods

“Take care of your heart,” yes, but “Take care of your kidneys,” is not something you typically hear your doctor say. The importance of these two amazing organs is often overlooked. They are a major powerhouse that keep your entire body healthy by filtering out toxins and extra fluid in your blood. They also make

The High-Risk Group Left Out of New York’s Vaccine Rollout

Virus cases are surging among incarcerated people at prisons and jails. But state officials have not announced when they will be vaccinated. By Troy Closson Jan. 26, 2021 When New York announced new vaccine eligibility guidelines two weeks ago covering millions of additional state residents, one particularly hard-hit group remained unmentioned: the nearly 50,000 people

The Three Strength Exercises Everyone Should Do

Even if you’re not trying to get swole, these movements will help you with everyday movements. Popular Science Sara Chodosh Kettlebells are a great tool for increasing your strength gradually. Deposit Photos Lifting weights can often seem reserved for the fittest among us, those muscle-laden guys and gals pumping iron and getting swole on a

When You Lose Weight, Your Fat Cells Don’t Just Let Go of Fat

Belly flab is like a storage unit for the rest of your body. Popular Science Sara Chodosh . Mmmmmm, fat! DepositPhotos If cells were personified, each fat cell would be an overbearing grandparent who hoards. They’re constantly trying to make you eat another serving of potatoes, and have cabinets stacked with vitamins they never take.

Sugar is the key to the nicotine rush according to new research

By Loz Blain July 27, 2007 (research from 2007 that seems to have been swept under the rug as usual..Fitadelphia) In July 27, 2007 Smoking and blood sugar levels are highly interrelated – nicotine causes the body to release satisfying levels of sugar into the bloodstream far faster than eating can, which explains its appetite-inhibiting effects.

Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training: Vigorous Breaths Boost Heart, Brain

“Maybe they won’t do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, but perhaps they’ll do 5 minutes of this.” Sarah Sloat . The heart health results linked to this device are similar to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. Photo by lzf / Getty Images. More than 100 million Americans have high blood pressure. Doctors say a mere

How to Keep Your Cool in High-Stress Situations

Robert E. Quinn, David P. Fessell, Stephen W. Porges Illustration by Katty Huertas Summary.    When faced with a high-stress situation, one that even feels threatening, it can feel like we don’t have control over our response. Research has shown that our bodies can instinctively go into a “fight-or-flight” reaction. As a leader, the more effectively