
Fitness, Nutrition and Environmental Info from Experts from Around the World


Stop forcing GMO corn on Mexico October 30, 2022 by GMO/Toxin Free USA Staff In late 2020, Mexico announced that the country would be phasing out the use of glyphosate herbicides, the cultivation of GMO corn, and the import of GMO corn for human consumption and livestock feed by the end of 2024. The reasons for the

Antioxidants Explained in Simple Terms

You may have heard a lot of talk about antioxidants. However, few people know what they are or how they work. This article tells you everything you need to know about antioxidants. What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are compounds that can cause harm if their

Coming Soon to a Food Label Near You: ‘Bee-Friendly’ Certifications

A growing number of farms are seeking out pollinator-friendly certifications, but the two programs offering certification—run by the Xerces Society and Pollinator Partnership—are taking very different approaches. BY TWILIGHT GREENAWAY AND CINNAMON JANZER OCTOBER 17, 2022 Farmer Doug Crabtree walks in his sunflower field (Photo by Jennifer Hopwood, Xerces Society) How Extreme Heat Puts Pollinators—and Crops—at Risk What

How to Lose Weight Around Menopause (and Keep It Off)

Losing weight during and after menopause may seem impossible. Hormone changes, stress, and the aging process can all work against you. However, there are several steps you can take to make weight loss easier during this time. Why menopause makes weight loss so hard Menopause officially starts when a person hasn’t had a menstrual cycle

Study finds young adults experiencing food insecurity are prone to binge eating when food is available

The study surveyed 75 young adults living in food-insecure households. / Photo courtesy of Shutterstock. Young adults experiencing food insecurity are prone to binge eating when food is available, according to a recent study by the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health. The results of the study suggest that those who experience fluctuating levels

What sets ‘SuperAgers’ apart? Their unusually large neurons.

Researchers autopsied 24 brains, including six from people known as “SuperAgers.” They found that SuperAgers had larger neurons than people almost 60 years their junior. They noted that further research is needed to understand how larger neurons are linked to preserved memory capacity in SuperAgers. Memory capacity typically declines with age. Around 40%Trusted Source of people aged