Healthy Ways to Approach Weight Loss as a Woman

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Healthy Ways to Approach Weight Loss as a Woman

Photo by Jessica Monte:

Did you know that men and women lose weight differently? Due to biological gender differences, men tend to lose weight faster than women. This can be frustrating to women following weight-loss programs who fail to see the results enjoyed by their male counterparts. What’s more, low-calorie diets that benefit men can affect women negatively by producing reductions in good cholesterol, bone mineral density, and muscle mass. Due to these differences, it’s important that men and women approach weight loss differently. Below, La Placita Wellness and Education Center, Inc. shares some tips on how you can begin your weight loss journey.

Gender Differences in Weight Loss

Healthline explains that men tend to have more muscle and less fat than women due to higher levels of testosterone. Because muscle burns more calories than fat, men burn more calories at rest compared with women. This means they can achieve weight-loss success while eating diets high in fat and meat, like Paleo and Atkins.

Men also tend to carry more weight in their midsection as visceral fat that surrounds the organs. Losing visceral fat speeds up the body’s metabolism, leading to faster weight loss. Conversely, women carry more subcutaneous fat or fat that lies in a layer just under the skin. Losing this type of fat does not affect metabolic rate in the same way as visceral fat. With these differences in mind, let’s explore a few ways women can approach weight loss and achieve success!

Find Exercises You Enjoy

The best way to approach weight loss is to find forms of exercise you enjoy. When you like working out, you’ll be more motivated to keep up your routine on days when you’re very busy or feel fatigued. Join a local gym to explore a variety of workout types, including kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Pilates.

Pilates is great for stretching and strengthening the body. Combined with cardio routines and strength workouts, Pilates can help speed healing and protect your body from sprains and strains. Not only will Pilates improve your physical health, but it can also relieve stress and make you more productive at work!

Walking regularly can improve heart health and reduce the risk of serious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, getting your steps in on a daily basis can also boost mental health by helping to improve mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. If you live in a walkable area, try to take a quick stroll at least once a day.

Choose Comfortable Workout Clothing

Wearing proper workout attire is essential if you want to stick to your fitness plans. Muscular Strength explains that good workout clothes help prevent injury, reduce overheating, and offer support for the body. For example, compression leggings can help prevent chafing and improve circulation, while sweat-wicking tops help cool the body rapidly. Women can also benefit from supportive bras.

Focus on Building Muscle

Many women avoid strength workouts because they don’t want to bulk up with muscle. But building muscle can actually help your weight-loss efforts! Building muscle mass can help boost your metabolism and increase the number of calories your body burns at rest. On the other hand, losing weight without building muscle can decrease muscle mass, which can have the opposite effect on your metabolism. Strength workouts will enable you to trade fat for muscle, creating the trim and lean body you want!

Consider a Mediterranean Diet

The most important thing about dieting for weight loss is choosing a diet that feels right for your body. This means choosing foods that appeal to you! Men are more attracted to high-protein diets and can see significant weight loss effects as a result. On the other hand, women are more drawn to diets emphasizing fruits and vegetables, such as the Mediterranean diet. Don’t force yourself to follow a diet you dislike. Instead, try to find healthier alternatives to foods you already enjoy!

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all weight loss strategy. What works for one person might not work for the next, and that’s okay! Explore different workouts and dieting practices until you build an individualized weight-loss plan that makes you feel your best!

Credit: Steve Johnson