
Fitness, Nutrition and Environmental Info from Experts from Around the World

Surprising Foods You Should NEVER Eat Together

Health-conscious people, who are looking to change their eating for the better, and for good, may feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices they have. Different types of foods require different digestive environments. This means they should be eaten separately. Otherwise, bloating, gas and even more serious, and chronic, problems are in store for the body.

Whole30 Vegetarian Power Bowl Recipe

These bowls are fiber rich, high in protein, and offer a myriad of nutritious food groups. Well Plated Erin Clarke While I may not be following the Whole30 diet, I AM an ultra enthusiastic supporter of anyone and everyone looking to make positive changes in their diet. I also adore flexible recipes that allow you

How Adult Children Affect Their Mother’s Happiness

Plenty of moms feel something less than unmitigated joy around their grown-up kids. Make sure yours feels that she’s getting as much out of her relationship with you as she gives.Arthur C. Brooks “How to Build a Life” is a weekly column by Arthur Brooks, tackling questions of meaning and happiness. Arthur C. Brooks will

‘Fat Burning Zone’? The Best Way to Exercise to Burn Fat

As exercise intensity increases, fat can’t be metabolized fast enough to meet increased energy demand. The key is to find the intensity where fat is the predominant energy source. The Conversation Justin Roberts Ash Willmott Dan Gordon Exercises like jogging require less energy from our body – so energy comes predominantly from fats. Credit: dotshock

Beauty filters are changing the way young girls see themselves

The most widespread use of augmented reality isn’t in gaming: it’s the face filters on social media. The result? A mass experiment on girls and young women.Joan Wongby Tate Ryan-Mosley archive page Veronica started using filters to edit pictures of herself on social media when she was 14 years old. She remembers everyone in her

More Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Clinics Hit Pause — 18 People Suffer Reactions at N.C. Site, 4 Hospitalized

North Carolina paused two vaccine sites Thursday, as Colorado, Iowa and Georgia also reported adverse reactions, but CDC said no cause for concern. By  Megan Redshaw 35 The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day.

USDA investigates unapproved GMO wheat found in Washington state.

Commodities News By Julie Ingwersen CHICAGO (Reuters) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed the discovery of unapproved, genetically modified (GM) wheat plants growing in an un-planted agricultural field in Washington state. There was no evidence the wheat had entered the food supply, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said in a

Fruits and Vegetables Are Trying to Kill You

Antioxidant vitamins don’t stress us like plants do—and don’t have their beneficial effect. Nautilus Moises Velasquez-Manoff Illustration by John Hendrix. You probably try to exercise regularly and eat right. Perhaps you steer toward “superfoods,” fruits, nuts, and vegetables advertised as “antioxidant,” which combat the nasty effects of oxidation in our bodies. Maybe you take vitamins