
Pesticides and Children

All pesticides have some level of toxicity, and pose some risk to infants and children. The risk depends on the toxicity of the pesticide ingredients and how much of the pesticide a child is exposed to. Infants and children are more sensitive to the toxic effects of pesticides than adults. An infant’s brain, nervous system, and organs are still

How to Wash Vegetables and Fruits to Remove Pesticides

Children are at higher risk for pesticide toxicity than adults. This is because the developing brain is more susceptible to neurotoxins and the dose of pesticides per body weight is likely to be higher in children.

Children whose mothers were exposed to high levels of pesticides have been found to have lower IQs compared to children with the lowest levels of pesticide exposure.

When You Lose Weight, Your Fat Cells Don’t Just Let Go of Fat

Belly flab is like a storage unit for the rest of your body. Popular Science Sara Chodosh . Mmmmmm, fat! DepositPhotos If cells were personified, each fat cell would be an overbearing grandparent who hoards. They’re constantly trying to make you eat another serving of potatoes, and have cabinets stacked with vitamins they never take.

What does junk food have to do with COVID-19 deaths?

Obesity, scientists know, is a diet-driven condition that contributes to many other serious health problems. Being overweight is strongly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes, for instance. Thus it is not surprising that the CDC has found, along with the 48 percent of the COVID-19 victims who are obese, 28 percent of those hospitalized with the virus have diabetes.

Burgers, berries, bread: 10 foods you should consider buying organic

Many are wary of chemical residues frequently found in foods grown with pesticides. If your budget and time are limited, here’s a good place to start ‘When consumers spend their dollars on organic food they’re voting. They’re voting for change,’ said Illinois farmer Ben Hagenbuch. Photograph: David McNew/Getty Images There are a variety of reasons