
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.  Jump to Recipe Do you worry about the amount of heavy metals in your body? You’re not alone. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic can be incredibly

Heavy Metal Detox Diet

Doctors typically prescribe certain medications to remove heavy metals from your body if you experience heavy metal poisoning. Eating certain foods may also help. What is heavy metal poisoning? Heavy metal poisoning is the accumulation of various heavy metals in your body. Environmental and industrial factors expose you to high levels of heavy metals every

3 Scary Reasons To Ditch Aluminum Foil (And What To Use Instead)

The Alternative Daily You’re probably getting a little tired of people telling you that the things you’ve been eating or using for years are bad for your health. Some you’ve accepted; you do your best to stay away from gluten and you eat organic when you can. Some you’ve strategically chosen to ignore; your favorite

3 Scary Reasons To Ditch Aluminum Foil (And What To Use Instead)

Liivi Hess You’re probably getting a little tired of people telling you that the things you’ve been eating or using for years are bad for your health. Some you’ve accepted; you do your best to stay away from gluten and you eat organic when you can. Some you’ve strategically chosen to ignore; your favorite dairy-based ice

In the Ink: Do All Tattoo Pigments Use Mercury and Other Toxic Heavy Metals?

Helen Suh MacIntosh, a professor in environmental health at Harvard University and a columnist for the website, Treehugger, reports that as a result of a 2007 lawsuit brought by the American Environmental Safety Institute (AESI), two of the leading tattoo ink manufacturers must now place warning labels on their product containers, catalogs and websites explaining that “inks contain many heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and others” and that the ingredients have been linked to cancer and birth defects.