
The Three Strength Exercises Everyone Should Do

Even if you’re not trying to get swole, these movements will help you with everyday movements. Popular Science Sara Chodosh Kettlebells are a great tool for increasing your strength gradually. Deposit Photos Lifting weights can often seem reserved for the fittest among us, those muscle-laden guys and gals pumping iron and getting swole on a

Can 4 Seconds of Exercise Make a Difference?

Four seconds of intense intervals, repeated until they amount to a minute of total exertion, led to rapid improvements in strength and fitness in middle-aged and older adults. By Gretchen Reynolds In what is probably the definitive word on how little exercise we can get away with, a new study finds that a mere four

How To Lose Weight Fast

Whatever the latest diet or exercise trend, whatever bullshit lines the personal trainer at the gym is feeding you, and whatever the latest scientific research is telling us, losing weight revolves around one factor and only one… CALORIES. Consume more than your body burns in day, whether through your natural basal metabolic rate, your day

Keeping Fit: How to Do the Right Exercise for Your Age

As we get older, our bodies benefit from different types of exercise. Here’s a guide for all ages. The Conversation Julie Broderick Photo by zhu difeng/Shutterstock. The effect of exercise on health is profound. It can protect you from a range of conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. But the type

When We Lose Weight, Where Does It Go?

Don’t worry, 98 percent of health professionals surveyed didn’t know either. The Conversation Ruben Meerman and Andrew Brown Photo by The world is obsessed with fad diets and weight loss, yet few of us know how a kilogram of fat actually vanishes off the scales. Even the 150 doctors, dietitians and personal trainers we

When You Lose Weight, Your Fat Cells Don’t Just Let Go of Fat

Belly flab is like a storage unit for the rest of your body. Sara Chodosh Popular Science Mmmmmm, fat! DepositPhotos If cells were personified, each fat cell would be an overbearing grandparent who hoards. They’re constantly trying to make you eat another serving of potatoes, and have cabinets stacked with vitamins they never take. Like

There’s New Data on the Cardio vs. Weights Debate

Research has found that a mixed workout program produces the best heart health outcomes. Alex Hutchinson Read when you’ve got time to spare. Doing combination workouts and varying up your routine will lead to better results. Maybe. Photo by bluecinema / iStock. Back in 2011, I published a fitness science book with the enigmatic and