Mouthwash kills coronavirus within 30 seconds in laboratory tests, study finds

ByPA News Published: 18:46, 16 November 2020 Mouthwash can eradicate coronavirus within 30 seconds of being exposed to it in a laboratory, a scientific study has found. The preliminary result comes ahead of a clinical trial into whether using over-the-counter mouthwash has the potential to reduce the levels of Covid-19 in a patient’s saliva. The

What does junk food have to do with COVID-19 deaths?

Obesity, scientists know, is a diet-driven condition that contributes to many other serious health problems. Being overweight is strongly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes, for instance. Thus it is not surprising that the CDC has found, along with the 48 percent of the COVID-19 victims who are obese, 28 percent of those hospitalized with the virus have diabetes.

Virginia Health Commissioner declares forced COVID vaccines for all Virginians

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | August 29, 2020 (NaturalHealth365) In our latest installment of public health officials abusing their power in the name of COVID-19, breaking news out of the state of Virginia has many people fuming over the potential reality of a mandated vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. A local Virginian news station recently reported that the southern