
Surprising Foods You Should NEVER Eat Together

Health-conscious people, who are looking to change their eating for the better, and for good, may feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices they have. Different types of foods require different digestive environments. This means they should be eaten separately. Otherwise, bloating, gas and even more serious, and chronic, problems are in store for the body.

When You Lose Weight, Your Fat Cells Don’t Just Let Go of Fat

Belly flab is like a storage unit for the rest of your body. Popular Science Sara Chodosh . Mmmmmm, fat! DepositPhotos If cells were personified, each fat cell would be an overbearing grandparent who hoards. They’re constantly trying to make you eat another serving of potatoes, and have cabinets stacked with vitamins they never take.

In the Ink: Do All Tattoo Pigments Use Mercury and Other Toxic Heavy Metals?

Helen Suh MacIntosh, a professor in environmental health at Harvard University and a columnist for the website, Treehugger, reports that as a result of a 2007 lawsuit brought by the American Environmental Safety Institute (AESI), two of the leading tattoo ink manufacturers must now place warning labels on their product containers, catalogs and websites explaining that “inks contain many heavy metals, including lead, arsenic and others” and that the ingredients have been linked to cancer and birth defects.