Tag: global warming

Dead white man’s clothes

Australia, with clothing retail sales in 2020 of about $22 billion, may not have the economic scale of the US or the UK, where combined the industry turned over $468 billion in the same period. But on a per capita basis, Australia is the highest consumer of textiles anywhere in the world outside of the US.

How Long Does It Take a Plastic Bottle to Decompose?

Everything takes time to break down. Here’s the time frame for a plastic bottle — and 11 other commonly consumed items. By Heidi Wachter | Experience Life Sheet of paper towel: 2 to 4 weeks Apple core: 1 to 2 months Banana Peel: 2 years Cigarette butt: at least ten years Steel can: 50 years

Five Biggest Environmental Issues Affecting the U.S.

We take a closer look at the current environmental issues in the U.S., how it may be exacerbating these problems and what the country may do to resolve them. By Jenna Tsui Feb 24, 2020 The environment plays a crucial role in the sustainability of life as we know it here on Earth. All living